The Men’s Ministry seeks to bring all the men in the church 18+ years together under one umbrella in unity.
Brothers in Christ "Modelling Mighty Men, Leaving a Lasting Legacy
The aim of the Ministry is to:
• Empower men to be positive influencers for the kingdom of God, their homes and community at large.
• Be a strong support group for the men in the church and to help the church fulfil its VISION and PURPOSE.
• Provide spiritual growth through prayers, Bible studies, seminars, retreats and camping for the men.
• Provide care and support for the men in times of need.
• Provide the men with friendship, fellowship and find different ways to pay regular visits to members.
• Hold at least one major Men’s conference in a year.
• Celebrate Father’s Day each year.
• Hold Men breakfast meetings.
• Soul winning activities.
• Evidently represent/promote the church in the community by attending community events.